There can be no conversation about Ava DuVernay’s electric film, Selma, without referring to what is happening now around the world and particularly in the United States. Selma is a technically ambitious and charged […]
Conquests & context: Selma
‘Not-so-Bankstown’ according to who?
My name is Michael Mohammed Ahmad and I am the author of The Tribe. I also adapted The Tribe for the stage with theatre director Janice Muller for this year’s Sydney Festival […]
Live but not-so-Bankstown
The road is closed off, and beach chairs line the pavement. Middle-aged White couples are abound, and men with acoustic guitars wander amongst them. It’s a surreal sight; but then again, it […]
Pudding by the pound
If you’ve travelled before then you may have realised that, upon your return, everything you subsequently speak about is somehow related to your travel adventures. Sometimes I feel like I am boring […]
10 things you discover when travelling alone
As a young girl, I would make a list of all the countries that I longed to visit, and daydream about the trips on which I would embark. Being Bahraini born, but of Egyptian heritage, […]