As notable comedian Jon Stewart wraps up his final episode of The Daily Show, Mostafa Rachwani reflects on the huge role that the liberal, Jewish American comedian played in shaping a Muslim, […]
Mostafa Rachwani
Mostafa is a law and communications student who is passionate about cinema, traditional Islam, and charcoal chicken. Unlike most people in the Lebanese community, he does not have a sprawling family, nor does he own a pair of trackies. He is obsessed with halawet el jibn and funny cat videos.
Three weddings and a zaffa
There comes a time in every young Arab’s life when a zaffa becomes a weekly event. In my case, my calendar seemed to fill up with periodic bursts of celebrations as soon […]
Digging Deeper
There’s a certain poignancy to reading the 4300-word online manifesto composed by 18 year old ISIS suicide bomber, Jake Bilardi. The boy certainly had a way with words, artfully painting a picture […]
Conquests & context: Selma
There can be no conversation about Ava DuVernay’s electric film, Selma, without referring to what is happening now around the world and particularly in the United States. Selma is a technically ambitious and charged […]
Live but not-so-Bankstown
The road is closed off, and beach chairs line the pavement. Middle-aged White couples are abound, and men with acoustic guitars wander amongst them. It’s a surreal sight; but then again, it […]