In these last few hours of 2013, let’s take a quick trip down memory lane. Let’s recall moments from the past year that we may want to remember for years to come, […]
Extras required for web series
Extras are required for a party scene in I LUV U BUT. I LUV U BUT is a 10 episode web series, and season two is currently in production. The producers are […]
Mesopotamia’s cynical pessimists
Were the Mesopotamians a bunch of pessimists? Claudia Sirdah writes that Mesopotamian negativity is a product of their religiosity and their strong belief in fate – a mentality that can found in […]
Dear Edward: Walking the Saidian path
How does one begin to speak about the legacy of Edward Wadie Said? A teacher, professor of comparative literature, secular critic, literary essayist, voice of Palestine on my radio and in my […]
Orientalism and Black Africa
As it has been 10 years since the passing of Edward Said, one of our best modern thinkers and public intellectuals, it is imperative to examine how his work has influenced both […]