Food is an important feature of Arab culture. Hospitality, love and celebration can all be expressed through putting together a delicious dish. Or ten. Unsurprisingly, that means there’s a seasonal Arab […]
Miran is a solicitor, freelance journalist and editor presently based in Sydney. Notorious for her obsession with cutlery, she lists amongst her crowning achievements the time she ate a quiche with knife and fork whilst driving. Miran once turned a rant about Arab Aunties into a short story long enough to get published in Westside Journal, and for fun she produces and presents The Y Factor on community radio. She is a co-editor of Sajjeling and tweets sporadically at @miranhosny.
Food is an important feature of Arab culture. Hospitality, love and celebration can all be expressed through putting together a delicious dish. Or ten. Unsurprisingly, that means there’s a seasonal Arab […]
By now, even the least news savvy of Australians have noticed that something is underfoot in the land that brought you the pyramids, cotton, and a revolution in 2011. But contrary to […]
The “Battle of the Camel” was an unforgettable day for Egyptians. After the Battle, the 2012 Cannes film entry based on those events, is also unforgettable, but for the wrong reasons. Set […]