A fast chain of events is unfolding in Iraq, complete with fierce battles, questionable characters and panicked diplomacy. This story is much more than politics, history or religion, and yet it can […]
Exile, nostalgia and Edward Said
As a fourth generation Palestinian forcibly uprooted and exiled from her homeland, I always felt out of place. Born in one country, migrating to another, holding two citizenships and having family dispersed […]
Criminalising political dissent in Australia
When migrants choose to become Australian citizens, they are asked to pledge a commitment to Australia’s democratic beliefs.Fundamental to those beliefs are parliamentary democracy, the rule of law, living peacefully, respecting all […]
How not to be a douchebag when discussing privilege
‘Privilege’ is a sticky topic, particularly when it concerns dominant cultures. Not surprisingly, however, most of us hate having our privilege pointed out. I suspect much of the discomfort stems from the […]
Dear Edward: Walking the Saidian path
How does one begin to speak about the legacy of Edward Wadie Said? A teacher, professor of comparative literature, secular critic, literary essayist, voice of Palestine on my radio and in my […]